Halloween is my favourite time of year.   We began having Halloween parties 15 years ago and they have grown in complexity ever since.  In the early years there was no theme to the parties; we simply dressed up, danced and celebrated Halloween in general.  As my love of the holiday deepened the themes crystallized and started to give the parties a focus.  It helped me to plan all the aspects of the night if there was a thematic direction to follow.  However, finding resources and ideas for this was still challenging.  There weren’t many books or website devoted to specific Halloween party themes.  I may have found a recipe here and a game idea there, but there wasn’t one location to provide me with inspiration and instructions.  This was really what motivated me to create Halloween Party Planner.  I want to make it easy for everyone to have the best Halloween Party possible without all the hours of searching for thematic ideas.

So, what is to come?  I am currently working on the first e-book for an Asylum Party.  Following that, new party theme e-books will follow.  Each book will include invitation ideas, food and drink recipes, game suggestions, music and movie lists, decorating tips, costume ideas, etc. – ALL FOCUSED ON A PARTY THEME!  You get to look like the hero when it’s party time.

Also, in addition to the e-books will be printable files to help you create professional invitations, games, and more.

I would love to hear what some of your favourite Halloween party themes are.  Share your ideas below.


Happy Haunting,
