Halloween is a lifestyle, not a holiday.
Kelli Etheridge is a confessed Halloween addict. Planning for her own parties begins early; the theme is chosen 1 year in advance. During the summer sun and fun, she is thinking about all aspects of Halloween! As Halloween grows in importance in her life, all other Holidays shrink. Halloween has become the highlight of the year. When party planning, all aspects are considered carefully – from music to food and drinks, costume, decorations, invitations, etc. It’s essential to set the mood of the theme throughout the entire Halloween party experience. Kelli has just released her first Halloween Party Games Book and is working on other Halloween-themed books.
What does Halloween Party Planner offer?
- Downloadable, printable Halloween party games
- Downloadable, printable horror-themed games
- Halloween party invitations
- Halloween games book
- Other tools to help you be the best, most organized party host

Halloween Party Games
New e-book for Halloween 2020
This book includes twenty-six games that are geared towards different types of Halloween celebrations. This should keep you and your guests busy and entertained at your parties for years to come. The games include all the information you need to play each one.
The day of the party has arrived, and as guests arrive, you eagerly await, costume details perfected, ambience set, creepy music drifting through the party space and food and drinks ready to be consumed. Hopefully, guests are likewise filled with anticipation, as you’ve set the mood with inspired invitations and have communicated just enough details to spark their imagination and curiosity.
Now what? What will you do to keep them occupied and in a celebratory mood? The games and activities are perhaps the most important element. Decorations, costumes, and food is all important, but it is the choice in games that make the evening truly memorable. The collective participation in these games changes our commitment level and involvement in the party itself; the party becomes a deeper experiential event!
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A place to find Halloween party games, tips and ideas.
A place for Halloween party inspiration.
Days to Halloween